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Pen has to write a life

 In a small village, there lived a couple whose journey was marked by both love and turmoil. He loved her deeply, and they cared for each other genuinely. However, life was not without its challenges. They faced expulsion from his house early in their marriage, which forced them to rely on his job to move to various locations. Eventually, they welcomed a baby girl into their lives, and as time passed, they began to settle into a routine family life.Their aspirations led them to the Gulf, where they worked hard and saved enough to invest in their own land and house. Their dream gradually became a reality, but with time, the initial harmony started to show cracks. Frictions developed, yet another joy arrived with the birth of their second daughter. They continued to make adjustments, striving to maintain a semblance of normal family life.As they worked on building their home and saving for their children's education, the frictions escalated into doubts and suspicions. Close family members got involved, which only widened the gap between them. He admitted his mistakes, but she held the upper hand in their conflicts. Despite their differences, they respected their children’s futures and decided to stay together.The situation worsened over time. She began to avoid him and his circle of influence, instead connecting more with her own family and friends. For years, she distanced herself from him in every aspect of life. Initially, he argued, quarreled, and sought the intervention of her relatives to resolve their issues, but these attempts only led to further conflicts.Eventually, he grew silent, unable to speak up as she always justified her actions, seeing only his mistakes and sins. They continued to live together for the sake of their children, but their hearts remained distant. She would get angry over the smallest matters, making it difficult for him to communicate or share a smile with her.Despite the emotional distance, life had to go on. Nature and necessity dictated that they stay together, even if it meant pretending. Money played a crucial role in keeping them under the same roof, ensuring that they could at least function as a family unit. Each day, they moved forward, carrying the weight of their unspoken feelings, hoping that one day, she might see the goodness in him, feel thankfulness, or at least a fleeting moment of love for her husband.


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വെക്കേഷന്‍ (അനുഭവങ്ങള്‍)

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